Friday, February 25, 2011


There are hundreds of new building proposals and designs being pitched every day a few of them have captured my eye.  These projects employ solar technology in ways I think our readers might find interesting and motivating.  

This is a list of my top 5 projects I have seen this week 

(1)  Solar Region Freiburg

Solar Region Freiburg takes the cake this week because it takes a whole city or better yet a whole region and outlines goals for solar renewable production.  One of the other interesting things that makes this project number one is the fact that they have been way ahead of the curve.  This project started in 1986 and is still moving forward.  In 1986 we were still negotiating a great price on a brand new suburban because energy was cheap.

One of the other interesting things I came across in the Solar Region Freiburg project was the performance measure.  It was important to not only attempt to produce renewable energy but to include in the performance  of the regional system local economics.

 By spending its energy dollars on solar and other renewable energy technologies, these dollars are also remaining within local circulation, instead of leaving the region to purchase gas, oil or uranium elsewhere. In addition to the economic and environmental benefits, Freiburg's citizens enjoy a pride in their city for showing this kind of leadership.(

Beyond the development of a region wide commitment to renewable energy the Solar Region Freiburg project has developed a nifty map so that those interested in visiting some solar sites can actively do so.  The city also has a tour that you can sign up for that will bring you around to a number of different solar sites on the map for educational and probably motivational purposes.  I really like the idea of informing citizens and making them feel like an active part of their regions energy.

(2)Michael Pawlyn
Michael Pawlyn's abounding energy and study of the natural environment are compelling.  The closed loop system only makes sense.  The most compelling part of the TED talk comes at the very end of the video where tangible examples of solar energy are being exploited to the furthest measures.  I had a feeling extreme research and work was being done in this industry but have yet to see it first hand.

The part that I really enjoy about this TED talk is the combination of systems and production.  I have for a long time wanted to experiment with having a solar farm combined with a traditional working farm.  Perhaps with sheep.  From what I can tell the commodities market for live stock is rising and so is the consumption of energy.  Perhaps we can experiment with this. 

Motivation!  Michael Pawlyn knows how to motivate.  He hammers on the idea of staying positive and yes what an easy first step to solving energy issues.

(3)Eco Boulevard in Vallecas / Ecosistema Urbano

The Eco Boulevard in Vallecas was first developed to bring focus into landscapes in the Vallecas area that had suffered from suburban development also known as suburban waist land.  To get a better idea of what suburban wasteland might look and feel like in the US, next time you drive on the interstate look at all the land not being used inside the cloverleaf on and off ramp.  Or next time you go grocery shopping look at the expanse of parking lot.  Wind swept is the term I think William Whyte used.

The great thing about this project is (1) its built and acting as the designers intended (Focal point) and (2) the use of photovoltaic panels.  It just goes to show that PV can be added and combined with most any project.  The real question is why have we not taken more advantage of PV and these type of spaces?  Below is a perfect site for a solar installation.

I think that there will come a time in the very near future when adding existing technology like photovoltaic panels will be common place.  I can't wait until the day when we finally get to add PV to existing infrastructure  like the image above.  The truth is that PV and the public can co-exist.  We can start by adding it to our current open spaces in inspiring and unique ways. 

(4)Solar Skins for your Iphone 
I love the idea of proof of solar enthusiasm through gadgetry.  2 hours of charge time equals about 30 minutes of talk time.  So, why not.  The great thing is the idea of solar energy permeating every facet of energy use from large scale to micro.  I wonder how much energy would be saved if every one charged their cell phone this way.  I will try to get back to you with a figure in the near future. 

(5)Solar Pole

So why not expand on the last idea.  This device lets feel good about your energy expenditure and show other people just how good of a person you are.  All kidding aside when I looked at the feedback on this product it was pretty negative.  But in that negativity there was a glimmer of hope.  Many people were just simply irritated that the company didn't go further and produce something with more power like a solar umbrella or canopy.  That means that people want it they just want it on steroids and that is good.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Wheatland Solar Farm

This is the first project I worked on with WDC Solar. The site is just east of Washington DC in Queen Anne, Maryland. I have actually never set foot on the site but am really hoping to be involved in the construction process when and if it becomes a reality. I have attached a short promo I put together to explain the sites solar possibilities and general visualization. There are some general questions about the site that I will be addressing soon. Here is the promo video, have fun!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Washington DC Solar Welcomes You

Hello everybody and welcome to the WDC Solar blog. The aim of this blog is to keep you up to date on WDC solar projects and solar technology innovation. Our goal is to not only educate the public on solar projects happening in Washington DC and around the globe but to be educated. That means that we would love to here from our readers. We will be posting on our blog at least once a week. Our first post will be coming soon, so keep in touch.